Formally known as Antshares, Neo is a fast growing cryptocurrency with lots of profits for the taking.
How to Mine NEO
Neo itself cannot be mined. You must trade/buy it using the guide below. However, the more Neo you own, the more Gas accumulates.
Download the Neonwallet to begin claiming Gas (dividends). Gas is issued based on the amount of Neo in your Wallet.
Read our guide on How To Buy Neo
Quick and dirty: easiest method is to trade ETH for NEO on Binance.
About Neo
A total of 100 million NEO was issued and it represents the ownership of the chain. 100 million was created in the Genesis Block and distributed according to distribution mechanism as described in its white paper[2]. The total amount of NEO shares is fixed at 100 million and can not be increased. The smallest unit of the NEO is 1 NEO and can not be divided.
The main use of NEO shares:
- Voting for bookkeeper
- Receive GAS generated by new blocks
- Obtain additional service charges for GAS
- Voting on the future of the NEO blockchain
About GAS
A total of 100 million GAS will be produced and it represents the right to use the chain. GAS will be generated with the formation of each new block, in accordance with a decreasing rate of generation, it will take around 22 years for the amount of GAS to grow from 9 to 100 million.
The main purpose of GAS are:
- Acting as a payment fees of the NEO blockchain
- Pay an additional service fee for the small block area chain
- As a deposit for the deposit of the candidate
NEO August 8, 2017
$ 16.85
24h Change:
24h Volume:
$ 118,443,000.00
Market Cap:
$ 842,490,000.00
What’s the difference between NEO and NEO Gas?
NEO is the ‘shares’ of the Neo blockchain system. As long as you possess NEO, NEO Gas will be generated automatically in the system according to generation strategy and you can claim your NEO gas as dividends. NEO stands for ownership of the system, NEO gas stands for the right to use the system.
Download Neo Clients
Neo CLI v2.0.1
- Source code (zip)
- Source code (tar.gz)
Introducing directories on GitHub
/docs   Technical documents including the whitepaper. See the technical doc on /docs/  || offers an introduction to the development of NEO.
/neo-compiler    Compiles Smart Contracts written in multiple coding languages like C#, VB.Net, Java, and Kotlin
/examples       A collection of smart contracts written in C# that can run on the NEO blockchain. You can reference these for the syntax and details on how to write smart contracts.
For more on writing Smart Contracts, please see /introduction.mdÂ
/neo     class library of the project
/neo-cli    Full Node with Command Line Interface, designed for developers.
/neo-gui   Full Node with Graphic User Interface, aka Client.
For more on nodes please see /node/introduction.mdÂ
/neo-vm  Visual Studio Virtual Machine
/neo-devpack-dotnet    Development Kit
Neo Exchanges:
- Bittrex (BTC/ETH)
- Binance (BTC)
- CoinSpot (AUD)
- Yuanbao (CNY)
- 51szzc (CNY)
- Yobtc (CNY)Â +Â GAS
- 19800 (CNY)Â +Â GAS
- CoZ Neon Light Wallet (Win, Mac, Linux)
- NEO Desktop Client (Fast Sync)
- NEO Web Wallet
- NEO Web Wallet by OnChain dev
- Blue Whale Web
- Paper Wallet Generator
Block Explorers
Network Monitor
GAS Calculators:
How to Buy Neo Coins
- Sign up on Coinbase. This is how you can quickly begin buying Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum.
- Sign up on Binance. You will use your purchased Coinbase Ethereum to trade into Neo.
- Don’t feel like you need to buy an entire Ethereum on Coinbase – fractions are perfectly fine to purchase.
- Transfer the Bitcoin from your Coinbase wallet to Binance. It should take about an hour to complete.
- Begin buying Neo from the Exchange page on Binance.
neo-python: Python SDK for NEO platform
Getting started
you will need to install the libleveldb library. on OSX:
brew install leveldb
apt-get -s install libleveldb-dev
yum -y install libleveldb-dev
windows ( not sure )
make a python 3 virtual environment, and activate it
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
then install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Installing on OSX
if you’re having an issue similar to this:
from ._plyvel import ( # noqa
ImportError: dlopen(neo-python/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/plyvel/, 2): Symbol not found: __ZN7leveldb2DB4OpenERKNS_7Options
Referenced from: neo-python/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/plyvel/
Expected in: flat namespace
You may need to uninstall plyvel (python libleveldb library), and reinstall with the following cflags
pip uninstall plyvel
CFLAGS='-mmacosx-version-min=10.7 -stdlib=libc++' pip install --no-use-wheel plyvel --no-cache-dir
After installing requirements and activating your environment, there is an easy to use
 file for you to run the node as well as some basic interactivity
> Starting Server... Please wait
> Neo console. Type 'help' for help.
> show state
> Progress: 230003 / 1210000 Ok.. what next?
You can query for a block in the current server by hash or by block index:
> Starting Server... Please wait
> Neo console. Type 'help' for help.
> show
> what should i show? try 'block ID/hash', 'header ID/hash 'tx hash', 'state', or 'nodes'
show block 11335
"hash": "39684763ea1f6e27f27813017b9a75041ea51a0fc9856bef42e839c4efe268df",
"merkleroot": "337afb56abfcc81228d0f12fafffdcc74c4c820c1cca68e0f37c4b46b052218d",
"previousblockhash": "7ef806ab2b4e8719c87c78242c83ff839f5cca28d1b55b526cca6879b8347f23",
"consensus data": 1643989216319287762,
"index": 11335,
"next_consensus": "59e75d652b5d3827bf04c165bbe9ef95cca4bf55",
"script": "",
"tx": [
"time": 1476859946,
"version": 0
Ok... what next?
If you dont want interactivity, but just want to run the server you can simply run the
 logs to cli.log
, while the
 file logs to nodes.log
Tests are important. Currently there are not enough, but we are working on that. You can start them by running this command
python -m unittest discover neo
To run tests with coverage
, use the following
coverage run -m unittest discover neo
After that, you can generate a command line coverage report use the following:
coverage report -m --omit=venv/*
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Neo wallet: AJXcF65VLcyeADrxKHExVLeewaGzCKvsov
It’s necessary to use the python or we can juste mine with neo gui ?