Best Hardware GPUs to Mine With: August 2017

1) Radeon R9 295X2

The Radeon R9 295X2 has by far the highest hash rate (46.0 MH/s) of the Mining GPUs on the market and will cost you $600.

With Scrypt calculator profitability versus Litecoin, this GPU can gross up to $8.18/day or $2985/year as of August 5, 2017.

2) GTX 1080 Ti

GTX 1080 Ti performed with the Lyra2rev2 algorithm, outputting 48.5 MH/s using the ccmine and will set you back $800.

With Scrypt calculator profitability versus Litecoin, this GPU can gross up to $5.11/day or $1865/year as of August 5, 2017.

3) Radeon R9 HD 7990

A Radeon R9 HD 7990 will cost you $680. Its power cost per day is lower than the R9 295X2 at $1.08 but its hash rate is significantly lower at 36 MH/s.

With Scrypt calculator profitability versus Litecoin, this GPU can gross up to $5.09/day or $1728/year as of August 5, 2017.

4) Radeon RX 480

Radeon RX 480

The Radeon RX 480 is arguably the most economical in terms of cost and saving electricity. Its power cost per day is significantly lower than the first two. Its hash rate is 25.0 MH/s.

With Scrypt calculator profitability versus Litecoin, this GPU can gross up to $2.66/day or $970/year as of August 5, 2017.

5) Radeon RX 470

Radeon RX 470

A Radeon RX 470 has a modest hash rate of 24.0MH/s. Its power cost per day is exactly the same as the Radeon RX 480 at $0.4320.

With Scrypt calculator profitability versus Litecoin, this GPU can gross up to $2.53/day or $923/year as of August 5, 2017.

How results were calculated: Reported known hash rates of graphic cards were input into a third party calculator with power consumption per day. Hash rate and difficulty was compared with current exchanges. Subject to change at a moment’s notice. These rates reported will give you a general idea on how to make the most money mining. Good luck!

Verify Current Mining Profitability here.



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