
Bitcoin: A Beginners Guide to Bitcoin: Over 50 Questions and Answers, Myth Busters, FAQs, Tips, and Much More!

Original price was: $14.95.Current price is: $13.08.



If you plan on investing in Bitcoin and want to get the highest possible return on your money, then keep reading…

According to a Nasdaq article, when gold and bitcoin were compared as investments over the last five years, bitcoin greatly outperformed the precious metal, generating an annualized return of 155 percent compared to gold’s annualized loss of 6 percent during the same period. 

London Block Exchange recently conducted a study which revealed that 5 percent of those aged below 35 already have cash invested in a cryptocurrency, while 11 percent are definitely planning to invest next year, shunning more traditional investments such as shares, bonds, and property. 

One thing is clear, Bitcoin is as promising as it is complex, but how is a normal user supposed to grasp the intricacies of this up-and-coming digital currency? How are you supposed to invest without breaking the bank or risking too much? 

This book will inform you about some of the unseen hazards and prospects that you may not have considered. 

In this book, you will: 

  • Discover useful tips for investing or trading Bitcoin 
  • Discover insightful ways of storing and exchanging digital coins 
  • Discover how the blockchain protocol works and how people can mine for Bitcoins 
  • Discover 20 of the most common misconceptions about Bitcoin 
  • Discover some of the risks associated with Bitcoin and how to minimize them 
  • …and much, much more! 

Much of this advise goes against conventional wisdom. 

In fact, some of the advice sounds downright ridiculous to a non-professional – but time again the data shows that it works. 

Even applying one or two things inside could result in a 30 or 50% return on your investment. 

Sounds good?, Download this book and let’s get started!  

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